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Resources / Statistics Tutoring Center

Statistics Tutoring Center

The Statistics Tutoring Center (STC) provides free tutoring for students enrolled in STA 210 and STA 296. The tutors are graduate students in statistics who are currently teaching or assisting in these classes. 

The STC offers both online and in-person hours.  The in-person hours are in the Multidisciplinary Science Center (MDS) 327R. The online hours are in a Canvas conference (Big Blue Button) in a dedicated Canvas shell.

This is a drop-in service that is first come, first served. Please note that students are expected to come prepared, i.e. they should be attending class, reading assigned material, etc. before seeking support. The tutors do not complete assignments for students but offer guidance.

Spring 2025 Semester Tutoring Dates begin on Tuesday, 1/21, and continue through Thursday, 4/24.

The STC will be closed Monday, 3/17, through Friday, 3/21.

Hours for STA 210 Tutoring Only 

(scroll down for STA 296 Tutoring Center Hours)

The in-person hours are in the Multidisciplinary Science Center (MDS) 327R. The online hours are in a Canvas conference (Big Blue Button) in a dedicated Canvas shell.
This is a drop-in service that is first come, first served. Please note that students are expected to come prepared, i.e. they should be attending class, reading assigned material, etc. before seeking support. The tutors do not complete assignments for students, but offer guidance.
You need self-enroll in the Canvas shell in order to have access to online tutoring with the link:
More information regarding the STC is in the document below and at to an external site. .
Day  Time Place
Monday 2pm-6pm MDS 327R
Monday 6pm-8pm Online - Canvas
Tuesday 2pm-6pm MDS 327R
Tuesday 6pm-8pm Online - Canvas
Wednesday 2pm-6pm MDS 327R
Wednesday 6pm-8pm Online - Canvas
Thursday 2pm-5pm MDS 327R
Thursday 5pm-8pm Online - Canvas
Friday N/A N/A

Hours for STA 296 Tutoring Only

The in-person hours are in the Multidisciplinary Science Center (MDS) 327R. The online hours are in a Canvas conference (Big Blue Button) in a dedicated Canvas shell.
This is a drop-in service that is first come, first served. Please note that students are expected to come prepared, i.e. they should be attending class, reading assigned material, etc. before seeking support. The tutors do not complete assignments for students, but offer guidance.
You need self-enroll in the Canvas shell in order to have access to online tutoring with the link:
More information regarding the STC is in the document below and at 
Day Time Place
Monday 2pm-6pm MDS 327R
Monday 6pm - 8pm Online - Canvas
Tuesday 2pm - 6pm MDS 327R
Tuesday 6pm - 8pm Online - Canvas
Wednesday 2pm - 6pm MDS 327R
Wednesday 6pm - 7pm Online - Canvas
Thursday 2pm - 6pm MDS 327R
Thursday 6pm - 7pm Online - Canvas
Friday 11am - 3pm MDS 327R

Questions? Please contact Melissa Pittard